Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Tonight's sunset

It seems ages since I blipped a sunset so tonight's sunset is looking towards Port Carlisle.  There were one or two people fishing and it wasn't too long before the calm water was replaced by the gushing of the incoming tide.   It was magical out on the marsh in the heat watching the sun setting with the colours reflected in the water and just listening to the birds.  I'm really enjoying these light evenings and don't get home til gone 10pm.  Well you have to make the most of them don't you  :)

Misty's done well for walks today, Crummock Water this morning, then the sea nr Allonby and the marsh tonight.  Have uploaded a Crummock Water shot with somebody sunbathing in Extras.  On my way home along the back roads, I came across a bird in the road, think it may have been a female pheasant.  I think she'd been hit by a car and couldn't move.  I couldn't leave her in the middle of the road so moved her into the long grass at the side of the road.  I hope she was just winded.

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