Wee monster
Sheesh, and I thought yesterday was hot. People came and took their kids out of school at lunchtime (despite the black out curtains, aircon unit and fans, it was still pretty hot in there and some of these kids are only 2 years old.) Obviously I didn't. CarbBoy seems curiously unaffected by extremes of heat or cold, and it was TallGirl's last day for the year so she wasn't going to miss it.
Busy day helping Mr B with something (if he's super-busy I step in and take the easiest and dullest stuff off his plate). With plenty of strong tea and occasional sorties outside to remind myself why this was NOT a good day for gardening, I managed to get through it. On one of the sorties I realised the lavender was a-buzz with all manner of beasties. This hummingbird hawk moth was unusually compliant in having its photo taken. They are much smaller (I think) than the ones we used to see at our old house near Perpignan and move very fast. I have 'better' shots, but I like that you can see its curled eating-tube-thingy here (technical term).
This afternoon CarbBoy got wind of the fact that it was the last showing of Jurassic World at our local cinema. So I ended up saying I'd take him. And a pal decided to tag along too. The pal's Mum said if I wanted she would pick them up afterwards - which is when it struck me that they are old enough to be taken to the cinema and left alone: I don't have to see movies I don't like any more! However, it started at 9pm and I figured an 11pm finish for CarbBoy's first time there was too much to ask.
I wish I'd known it was the 3D version... They are just too real. I was even terrified in Puss in Boots and had to take my 3D glasses off. Anyway, our neighbour Alexandra was there with her kids (turned out our whole village pretty much was there - it was like a school outing, including more than half of our Governing Body too) so I sat with her while the kids scurried off to the 'cool seats' (ie anywhere not near us). Anyway, great movie. Well, I loved it anyway, but then I don't get out much. And 5 euros each to get in. Including glasses.
Home with the roof down to amuse the car-full of boys I ended up with, trying not to imagine that all the spooky trees held hungry velociraptors... Now with the moon full, I'm kind of wishing I wasn't reading a werewolf book...
There's a spot the Golden Oriole competition for yesterday's blip if you care to click back.
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