Wide Angle Wednesday: Architecture

This local automotive service centre is actually a recent concrete slab walled monstrosity of a renovation which (at first glance) seems to have been half heartedly dressed up with late nineteenth century style pressed metal cladding (including the quoins) to help soften its brutalist architectural appearance. Evidently such an assessment isn't quite accurate.

Trisharooni, who has lived near to this building much longer than me has more information just below. She links to a 1983 picture which shows the old place well before it was ever worked on. Evidently the inclusion of a pressed metal facade is a thoughtful heritage inclusion and may even have been a requirement for the rebuild. In any event it seems to be  rather more than some old fashioned faux afterthought. 

This is my contribution to the Wide Angle Wednesday: Architecture challenge (widwed18) kindly hosted by the hard working JDO.

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