Local Windmill, Oud Alblas, Molenwaard, ZH

This windmill is about 800 meters from the windmill on the video I posted the other day.  About half a kilometer away in the other direction, there's another one, although not my type, and yet another about a kilometer or two away from that, also not my type.  I'll keep them for emergencies.

Went to work, interviewed my quota of first-year candidates -- part of my job description as first-year coach, and most of those who are interviewed end up in the homeroom class of the coach who interviews them.  Did some more correction work, then off to blip on the way home.  Explored the Municipality of Molenwaard further and now I know how to drive on the dike roads from Molenwaard to Dordrecht.

One day at a time, and the 35-degree weather helps lighten up the load.

Late this afternoon, bro-in-law J met with four of his and hubby's seven other siblings at the lawyer's office to finally hear these other siblings' answers to the questions that had been asked already two years ago when the lawyer had tried to help everyone settle my late mo-in-law's estate, questions which these other siblings categorically refused to respond to.  Seated at the conference table, they now had no choice but to reply, which they did, the lawyer taking down notes of everything.  J did the same and hubby and I drove over to his house to listen to the whole 'story'.  I am reminded of the firm Robham, Cheetum & Howe.  We have decided to wait for the official report from the lawyer and his take on this meeting and then, with that document, hubby and J intend to pay the lawyer in Breda another visit.  It now appears that formal charges will be made by hubby.  How far we will go in this will depend partly on the siblings' responses further down the line, partly on how satisfied hubby will be with the results at any given part of the proceedings, and partly on how much we are willing to shell out with regards to legal fees and such.  Three things are sure -- 1) Hubby refuses to be bullied further and cheated out of even more things than he's already been, 2) I am with him in this fight, and 3) since our goal has nothing to do with money, we can't lose.  Sometimes, in life, one just has to stand up for certain things.

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