Life, Universe & Not Much

By micro43


At Tipton station - so glad this was an air conditioned train.

I went into Birmingham to retrieve my MacBook Pro from the Apple Store after its repair, taking the bag to bring it back in, a camera for the day's Blip and an iPad in the bag. I was taking some photos for the Blip outside New Street Station and  put the bag down. 5 minutes later after moving on I realised I hadn't picked the bag up again, and when I went back it wasn't there. Still I did manage to get the MBP from Apple and the repair was free (despite it being a 4 year old machine), though I did have to buy another power unit as mine was in the lost bag.

When I went back to the station I did try the Lost Property Office there, though of course the chance of getting the bag and iPad back was minimal. But  I was so lucky  - it had been handed in, and the cost of the now unnecessary spare PSU and the £20 payment to the Lost Property people was a small penalty for my stupidity. Thanks to whoever handed it in and to the Lost Property people at New Street Station. 

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