
By Louwestphoto

Happy first birthday to me!

So, twelve months ago today was my first day as a full time, self employed /freelance photographer! I'd already done a paid job or two, so registered my business from 01/06, but I was still working as a Probation Officer until the end of June, so I don't really count it until July. 

Wow, a year has flown and how different my life is now. Although I loved my previous role, it had become unmanageable with insane workloads, conflicting demands and, above all, a major sell off to the private sector. Not what I signed up for - I firmly believe that private companies should not make money out of crime and I certainly wasn't about to work for them. So on to pastures new, after nearly a decade and a half. 

Admittedly, we are much poorer now than we were, but hopefully my business will continue to grow to the point where I am earning a reasonable wage. Although I didn't go into this for the money... 

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