Exit stage left

By NessD

Barcode 2

I've hesitated about posting these since J is going through so much worse right now. I'm not trying to draw comparisons or be woe is me. In the absence of any photos though. I'm going to use these to record just how things went this week sleepwise Bridget Jones styley.

Last night was not great as you can see. The fitbit device is not the greatest for measuring sleep so maybe I should just ignore it. It only records awake when I actually get out of bed normally. The light blue restless period is, I think, the most variable. In most instances before the first dark blue hits, I was most definitely awake. There is often Radio 4 involved whether I like it or not. Later on, I'm pretty sure some of them really are just restless. I certainly felt like I got some extra sleep after 6am last night although it had been so poor before then that I came close to throttling K for radio 4 offences after I left the sofa and crawled back to bed around 6am.

It'll be no surprise that I really did not function well today. Work was interspersed with rest periods which may have turned into naps. The option to work from home saved me today but in letting me spread the work out I may not be doing myself any favours.


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