the edges of my life

By raej

A bit of cultural slapping

This was my view for a lot of today - snoozing across some metal chairs at Bangkok airport or just lying there staring at the ceiling. Surgery went well last night but very painful, during, after and now. Got given panadol!!!!!!
So was heading up in the lift this morning to my room (like a big hospital dormitory) and was alone in there (the lift) with an Islamic (I think?) man - who I,d seen before followed by 2 wives all covered in black. Suddenly he reached over and dragged his fingers up my arm ( in a sexual way) to the tiny bit of tattoo showing under the tshirt sleeve where he flicked at my arm really sharply and contemptuously. I was gob smacked and I did something I havnt done since I was a kid - I hit him and yelled "you pig". (sorry pigs). Wish it was a punch or a full on bitch slap but with my damaged hand it was prob quite pathetic. It was a slap on the face tho (by a dirty woman) and he started yelling at me and going an interesting shade of purple when luckily the lift stopped. I ran out into the bloody prayer room!!! Crap not a good move - room full of Islamic men praying.... So I did a runner up the fire escape to my room and promptly checked out.
Hence ending up at the airport 5 hrs early and not being able to check in to where all the cool stuff is (like bars) till 2 hours before flight....Then 1.5 hrs in check in queue and customs....... Yup been one of those days.

but prognosis seems good for my thank youthankyouthankyou for all the positive vibes sent my way

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