
By Angelique


It was a peculiar start to the day.  Phoebe and I always go out first thing in the morning,  to inspect the damage done by the ravenous snails.  As I approached Veronique (the statue we brought with us), I flicked off a piece of stick that was sitting on her head.  But I noticed it felt odd and as I picked up the 'stick' I realised it was some kind of creature.  It was in fact two of the above stuck together. It is a Buff Tip moth and I obviously interrupted something precious!

I carefully put them both on the table in the sun hoping they would continue what they had started but as we came in tonight, they hadn't moved.  I know they are alive as one climbed onto my finger. 

You will agree, it does look like a piece of stick, in fact they mimic silver birch trees.  I now feel very guilty!

The other capture is of the sea that comes in separating us from the horrid Newquay and known as the River Gannell.  I have never seen it so full before with people enjoying canoeing etc.

Although the day started cloudy, it ended up a lovely sunny afternoon, enabling us to go on a lovely wooded walk to the top of Crantock and overlooking the river.  Phoebes has been pooped ever since.

Thankyou for the kind comments on my fox.  Haven't seen him today, hopefully it found a rabbit to eat.

Halfway through another week - doesn't time fly.

Hugs to you all.

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