
By PaulaJ

Robot Cafe

One of the reasons we choose to travel independently is so that we have the opportunity to interact with local people and find out about the place they live in. In looking for that breakfast, bottle of wine, tram, WiFi you learn more about a country than any amount of visits to museums and famous buildings. OK we may miss out some of 'the sites' but we come away with memories more potent than some fabulous architecture. In actual fact we do both of course, but I think you know what I mean.

For example, whilst waiting in a queue for the train for Montreal we found ourselves in discussion with three Canadians of very different ages and with very different views. In listening to them, we found out far more about the country we were visiting than any conducted tour could have told us.

Anyway - The Robot Cafe!

Port Dover is a strange little town close to where we were staying on Lake Erie. It feels like an English seaside resort, except that it is lakeside and the 'beach' is shipped in sand. It is also a residential place of some size. Then on every Friday 13th it is totally engulfed (in the words of locals) by thousands and thousands of Bikers. So many of the stores, cafes etc. reflect this. The Robot Cafe is one if them. In one half is a shop full of music memorabilia going back many decades. In the other half is a laid back cafe used by locals and tourists alike. One of the attractions is the free WiFi and the relaxed attitude of the staff towards people sitting for a long time using it. Oh and the coffee is good too.

So why 'Robot' cafe? Obviously it's full of robots! Miniature ones in boxes I hasten to add.

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