Swallow at Stancombe Beech farmyard

I waited till afternoon for the weather to get better before driving up to the farm shop near Bisley, but in vain.  The cloud cover got lower as I climbed up the hillside onto the flatter farmlands on the Cotswold ridge.  I met Ashley the farmer and we had a good natter.  He then headed off on a tractor while I went out to their farmyard as I had spotted several swallows sitting on electricity cables.

Ashley said I could hover about to take some photos, but within minutes of me setting up with a long zoom the rain started to fall slowly, but it wasn't long before it started to fall much harder.

I was surprised that the swallows kept flying with occasional visits into the barn's roof where I could hear young squawking as the parents returned with food. I think this must be a second brood as I was here a month ago and there were young then as well.

I poked my head out of the barn and spotted this swallow singing away so despite wanting to get good images of them in flight this is just about all i can offer today.

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