Surveying the Purple Yonder

The day started damp and dreary and I wasn't at all sure what I was going to blip. I rather fancied an abstract - such a great idea for a challenge, Abstract Thursday (tag AT1) suggested by youoregon1 - so nipped over to the hedge, as you do, on my way out to the car. It turned out to be covered in snails enjoying the dampness - and the beautiful variegated foliage! I rather liked the way this one appeared to be surveying the purple haze of the clematis, as if wondering whether it was worth the journey over to it for his dessert course :) 
I find it quite amazing that you can see right through him to the leaf pattern beneath!

Abstract another day, then! It seems to be happening rather often that I start the day intending to enter a challenge, only to find that I find something else that shouts 'blip me!'

Many thanks for all the great comments, stars & hearts on yesterday's kestrel blip - so glad you like it!


Day 96 of Blipout2015, suggested by PaulFS,  making the most of the daylight by only blipping outdoor photos until the clocks change in October

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