sunday best

it rained a fair bit overnight so we had a very lazy morning, making fire and cooking up a feast (baked eggs anyone?!). was probably 4pm by the time we ventured back 'into town' for some wandering around the green fields while the boys watched the kids.

discovered my personal musical highlight on the lizard stage, one of those acts which stops you in your tracks as you're walking by and makes you listen. tom price-stephens (TPS) and callum thomas. guitar and sax duo. i liked :) writing this i realise i'm on saturday and not sunday - glastonbury does strange things to time and memory....

so umm yeah, sunday - jamie T and arcadia for groove armada with a bit of chems thrown in on the way back.  pretty lights! once again accosted by the people from la luna in the theatre fields. more pretty lights. i need more pretty lights! particularly in hula hoop form.

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