
We had thunder and lightning through the night and into the morning, with more due tonight.  The sun came out after 11am and been a lovely warm day, 21 degrees was the warmest my car was reading in places :) 

Day off today and up early.  I managed a walk first thing with Sammy but poor boy wasn't enjoying the rumbles of thunder in the distance.  I manged to get most of the household chores out of the way in the morning, apart from the dusting.  The sun came out and had to get outside, so off I went and cut the grass.  Got another walk in before lunch and Sammy loved it. 
This afternoon has been spent in Sandness.  I've been snapping more photos for my book.  I also chatted with various locals too, who were out and about enjoying the sunshine :) 
I had planned to get into the garden this evening but feet are up just now.  Will head out walkies again soon :)

The Briesties might be one of the locations used for the book.  The old croft house here was lived in up to the 1960s, and possibly a bit longer.  The tekkit (thatched) roof has long gone, along with the residents, the Fraser's.  The well built stone walls will keep standing for years to come.  Taken at Briesties, Bousta, Sandness.

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