“bring me sunshine....”

Anniemay wakes up this morning looking like …. well, she likens it to 10 rounds with Muhammad Ali; I was going to say ‘Mike Tyson’.

I take her to see our GP and once he’s finished sorting out her poor eyes, he reads me the result of a blood test I had done recently to test for signs of an infection; “your vitamin D level is borderline”.

I laugh.  Anniemay laughs (as much as she can).  Even the doctor gives chuckle.  Six weeks in Australia and a heatwave here and I need vitamin D.

I’m not discounting the seriousness of vitamin D deficiency, I’m just more than a little surprised that mine might be low. He suggests another test in six weeks time.  

We trot off to the chemist and while Anniemay gets her prescription, I find these.  I’m a sucker for a label and hand over £2.99.  However, I might have fallen a little too hastily for this particular product.

In my defence I would argue that from looking at the label, it is not unreasonable to suppose that these ‘gummies’ (a) look a bit like blueberries (I love blueberries) and that (b) blueberries contain vitamin D.

On both counts you’d be wrong.  These ‘sweeties’ look nothing like blueberries, other than a vague colour likeness and - more importantly - blueberries contain 0.0% vitamin D.  Nothing. Zilch.

Morecambe and Wise had it right (apologies to blip friends outside of the UK).

ps. While on the subject of health I'd like to draw your attention (particularly those in, or about to visit, London) to Cancer Research UK's London Art Trail: 'what's in your DNA?'  Plenty of opportunity for blips and all in a good cause.

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