In My World

By JoanneInOz

Flower Friday....

....and I had a wander around the garden with the camera this afternoon, photographing possible subjects. Being winter, my garden isn't exactly overflowing with floral displays, but there are a few rather pretty plants.

This particular plant has a tendency to try to overtake the whole garden, and has been cut back harshly recently, only to grow back again during winter and flower profusely! I'm sorry I can't tell you what it is, we've had it for so long that I can't remember the name, but it is such a sunny yellow colour for a cold winter's day.

Anni, this is dedicated to you and Alma again. I've always loved flowers, but you and your mum have given me a whole new appreciation of their beauty recently, and I find that I go through the other six days of the week noticing flowers everywhere, as possible subjects for my Friday journal entry. xx

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