My dads 50th birthday

here are a slection of photos i took at my dads 50th birthday party at the Orchard Park Hotel in Giffnock :)

top left and bottom right - My Dad
top right - My uncle
bottom left - My Papa

my family is a bit crazy....i guess its where i got my crazyness from, i love it though

thank you soooo much to quirkygirl, mikeder, shaaamie and neilheyes for the lovely comments on my last blip, they really cheered me up. Feeling much better now i have finished college for this year, got the weekend off work, spent it with the family and with David in lochwinnoch chillin out with everyone, was awesome :) now all i have to do is hang up my exhibition piece on monday, attend the exhibition opening on tuesday and get my graded unit result on wednesday :)

Aiming to really get back on track with my blips over the summer as i have been missing far too many, im also starting horseriding again after a 2 year break (fingers crossed its like riding a bike) im also starting a much healthier lifestyle, getting rid of 98% of my fizzy drink intake (leaving it for special occassions :P)

Also as some of you lovely people may know i went through many heart and cardio tests last year and they came up with nothing, i have now been referred to a neurologist and will be getting tests on my noggin all through the summer, all i can think just now is here we go again :/ but hopefully they will find out what is wrong with me and hopefully fix it. Bring it on, one day at a time! and if i have to get a CAT scan then i promise to get a blip of my feet poking out the end of it wearing my epic stripy socks! making the best out of a weird situation :)

hope you are all well


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