
By lucia13

Ants meeting for lunch!

This little egg fell in my garden and the two ants decided to have a great  banquet  I think  more arrived later but I went out for my zumba class. I noticed the egg was broken when I saw the picture in the computer . Looks like a Dove or pigeon egg. Poor little one. 
My pink roses went away but new ones are coming and they have beautiful colours.  I was taking the rotten ones so in a few days they are coming back again I hope. My neighbour told me to put fairy liquid with water in all the roses for the bugs. They are eating all my leaves and they are getting ugly and yellow full of marks. I don't know if she is right or not but her roses are so healthy and beautiful full of life . Better than mine and the other neighbours  .
I will go to London until Sunday so I am going to rest I am so tired .I hope it is not too hot like the last few days.
Thanks for the comments and stars ! Smile it is Friday!  Have a nice weekend my friends !. x

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