Elephant Ears

Fooled you!

The warm damp weather seems to have miraculously produced some rather large fungi!

First time I've worked on a Friday for a couple of years today but having been to Devon at the start of the week I've had to squeeze in two days of work at the end of the week.  The end of term is approaching apace now - 2 weeks to go and no sixth form for the last week as our partner school is closing a week early to move into their new school building.

Had a lovely swim in the outdoor pool at the sum this afternoon - almost like Spain except the water was heated!  Then a bit of walking, parent visiting and cake making for the Church fete tomorrow.  Then more walking to get me started on my Weekend Warrior Fitbit challenge.  My phone says it starts in 20 hours - don't know how that works because in my book the weekend has started already!  Maybe Molly Collie's Ann will be able to help me!  I am hoping to do half the amount they do over the weekend and then gradually increase...

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