
By Hambo

you scally-wag!

a classic family bike ride this afternoon! we set off on a documented 18 miler that took in parts of the proposed Olympic Cycle Route.
Starting in sunshine, we enjoyed the shade cast by the canal side trees when we stopped to Blip a family of swans with their goslings being fed ... ahhh, england at play!
imagine my surprise when the man feeding them turned around, saw me and said "are you mr hambo?"
i had taught him 15 or more years ago and he was a right tinker then! he mentioned 2 names from the same era and the years disappeared as i relived those days of nagging them for late home work and relived detentions for poor tests etc!!
the clouds rolled in as the bike ride continued and a fine drizzle turned to rain.
we got lost just the one time, i had developed a slow puncture to my rear tyre which swayed alarmingly with any speed generated free-wheeling down hill. my wife hit 'The Wall' with 4 miles to go, and then my daughter's left pedal fell off!
Still we will laugh at this adventure .... but not yet!!

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