My Mum
I snapped this in the garden when we all hung out with Little B. After her approval, I've been allowed to Blip it!
Another busy day at school today. I whizzed to Waitrose at lunchtime and I was in and out in 15 minutes flat. I still has time to go to mum's for lunch, and drop my shopping home! Sister number 2 ordered a paddling pool for Bo, and my dad blew it up for him. We put about an inch of water in there, and after being placed in it, he paddled happily and drank water!
After school I did all my chores, and then headed out to meet my friend K in London. We usually do Southbank as neither of us can usually be bothered to trek anywhere else!
We had a good catch up at Strada, and then another little bar for drinks afterwards.
We had a lovely long chat, and I thought it was a personal achievement that I did not ask about guy friend. He came up when we talked about another friend, but I made a conscious decision not to ask. What really is the point?
I had to wait a little while for my train so T called me. Unfortunately I double booked tonight, and was invited to a good friend of his, S's leaving drinks. He sent me loads of pics on whatsapp, and it looks as though I missed a good night. I was a bit sad not to go.
I got the slow train home, and managed not to doze this time. There were a few lightening flashes, and just as I pulled into my street, the first large drops of rain fell. I had to run to my porch!
There was a bit of a downpour, while I had a lovely bath. I didn't put anything on to listen to, and I found the dark and quiet a lovely time to potter about and digest the evening.
I ended up watching Kate Plus 8 on youtube and didn't get to bed till 2am!
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