Great Manchester Swim 2015

Saturday 4th July 2015 (1042)

I got quite nervous last night, I didn't sleep well, I woke with a cracking headache, it was an effort to leave the house! But ...

... what a great day!!! Met up with Beewriter quite early. It was also good to meet Chrissie1butter and Kathymay for the first time - have a look at their pictures too. We watched the two waves before us set off then it was time to go into acclimatisation. It felt very strange to be part of such a big event. After a little swim to get used to the water and then a little group exercise to warm up, the hooter sounded and it was time to start. The water was 18.5 degrees, the warmest GreatSwim they've had, and it warmed up further during the day! 

I have to say that the first eighth of a mile was the hardest and I struggled. Nerves kicked in and stopped me breathing. Beewriter very quickly got ahead of me and suddenly I was alone. Under the first bridge I managed to get control of my breathing and get into my stroke. After that it was quite enjoyable. I shaved 1 min off my half mile time. I'm convinced that I swam the second half quicker but I forgot to stop my stopwatch at the end. The last stretch with the finish line in sight was amazing. Just as I was getting out I got either cramp or a slight pulled muscle in my leg and I was very wobbly, I was glad of the assistance in getting out. Not sure exactly which line triggered the official time but I'd like to think swim time was a minute or two faster than the official record. Does it matter you might ask? It does to me! 

Official results
Time 1:08:29 (How do some people do it in 20mins??? It was strange being overtaken by so many from the following wave)
Place 1645th (240th in my age group, 788th in the ladies) not sure out of how many but I think I heard approx 2,300 taking part?
Beewriter did so well with her time, I'm afraid they all had to wait a while at the finish line for me!  

After the swim we went and enjoyed a Chinese buffet and then wandered round to watch some more. 

It was a great day! Thanks Beewriter for persuading me to do this. On 24th April I wasn't thanking you but I really am now. It was wonderful to be part of such an event and a sense of achievement. 

Now I have to go out to a work function this evening rather than resting! 

Couple of extra shots courtesy of Kathymay and Beewriter.


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