Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated

Water of Leith Art

Up very early again, just before 6am. The usual; sat in front of the tv. Got a  text from Steven asking if I wanted to go out for breakfast with them at 9am.To Lewis and I it was a 2nd breakfast :)

Left them at 10am to let them get on with their busy day.

Today and quite often when I see them all , it unsettles me. I love watching them as a family, the two of them taking care of Lewis, talking and finishing each other's sentences . They just 'get each other' in so many ways. I feel so happy for them both at what they have and proud of my wee brother.

I had an emotional and distracted walk along the Water of Leith before going for  a coffee.

Came home and it was only 2pm. Decided to take  a few tablets and go to bed.

Now I am sitting colouring and watching Andy Murray.

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