The womster strikes back

Sleep walking child in a thunderstorm.
Not the easiest situation to deal with.
She kept telling me timbo was under the bed, I knew he was downstairs. Each time there was lightning she would say my clocks not awake. I laid her next to daddy in bed and she settled, once the storm was over I took her back.....

Wom was wide awake at 5:30, I wasn't!
Daddy took them downstairs around 6:30.

Munchie and I went to ballet. Home, sorted stuff for daddy and off they all went on an adventure to see Lee's mummy and daddy.

I headed to morrisons to get Wom some tshirts. Somehow spent £60, £60 I don't really have, but he now has clothes!

Went got lunch at the spoons, then to the theatre for the history boys. Tiredness got the better of me and I nodded off for seconds. Never been so glad of an interval.
Somebody behind us in the second half was proper snoring away. The play was good, think heat, darkness etc just got to people.

Lots of cuddles.

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