Out & About in Covent Garden

Sorry - I've just changed my blip back to the one that I originally posted! I posted late last night and was struck by my usual fit of indecision. In the light of day, I find I prefer this one (and also realise that I'd blipped a similar shot from inside the ROH before). I hope you don't mind - the one from inside the opera house is still there as an extra. Maybe no one will notice that it's changed..... :))

I've just come back from two great days in London, visiting my youngest son and going to see 'Falstaff' at the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden. And what a wonderful time I've had! I've taken more than 800 photos and got blisters on the bottoms of my feet from all the walking! I don't think I need Blipout2015 to encourage me to get out and make the most of daylight hours. I'm posting this photo from inside the Royal Opera House as one with a lot of the outdoors pouring in through the glass roof :))

I loved being in Covent Garden as it started to wake up - watching folk get the place in shape ready for the onslaught of tourists. The weather was glorious and I sat outside in warm/hot sunshine, enjoying a petit dejeuner - bliss! :)

I've added 5 more photos as extras, including some fully outdoors ones, and there are plenty more that I would like to post but really need to head to bed (after I've back-blipped an image or two from yesterday!)

Just posted yesterday's blip. Do take a look if you have time - kids having fun!

Many thanks for all the great comments, stars & hearts on recent blips - very much appreciated!


Day 98 of Blipout2015, suggested by PaulFS,  making the most of the daylight by only blipping outdoor photos until the clocks change in October

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