The Travellist's journal

By TheTravellist

Visiting the UK

I left my hostel at 8am, got the train to the airport and flew to the UK via Dubai. A couple of months ago I booked flights back for a big family reunion (happening tomorrow) and a wedding four weeks later. My parents and sister knew but it was a surprise for the other 30 relatives (all on my mum's side) so I wasn't able to write anything on here or Facebook until now.

I landed at Gatwick at 7pm where my parents were waiting for me and we drove to Brighton and went out for a curry with my sister and her boyfriend. It was a great meal (although very different to the Indian food I've been eating recently) and it was so lovely to see everyone after nine months away!

After dinner we went to see some family friends who were leaving the next day and saw one of my uncles and his family, who were all totally shocked to see me. I would have been the only member of the extended family not to be at the reunion but no one had any idea I was flying in.

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