
By mrsc48

Our hosts

It's been a busy day today as always but all in preparation for an evening out with friends.

This night has taken a while to be arranged, too long really but with commitments by both parties its difficult but one thing is certain, when we do get together we have a good night, We play a game, have fun, laughs, food and of course drink. We have such a good time we're going to make a day of it next time!

So tonights game was a game of world domination "risk". I had no clue, my partner got the clue when it was too late, the boys had their strategy planned before we arrived at the venue and the girls started with no clue but they did very well and both soon got a clue and gave the boys a very good run for their money and came a close second. There were terms to be familiar with, attack, defence, continents, territories, world domination and the best of all 'Troop movements' this made me laugh all night. "Shall we have a troop movement?" Oh yes lets!

It was a lengthy game but it was good fun all a game of chance and on a roll of a dice so no real skill involved at all and any strategy could theoretically be thwarted by a roll of the dice.

So game over, winners think they are now superior leaders and following a catch up on everything which has gone on since last time we met up we ventured to sleep around 3am.

Another good night thank you to our hosts.

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