living in a glass house

By DandelionTree

Sunny fun

So the Mr. and I have had a bit of a disagreement. I prefer that picture but he likes this one the best. So- I will have a little vote and will change the picture if his gets more.

Either way, it was a magical day! We went to Pennington Flash for a walk around the lake (though we didn't make it all the way around but we had more fun when we were stopped anyway). We found some tadpoles right at this spot and have brought them home to watch them turn into frogs. Now I just have to try not to kill them before then and we can release them when they are little froggies back into a pond. I love this picture because it reminds me so much of my childhood. I spent many a happy hour at my "Grandma moo-cow's" house exploring the ditch that ran through her property. I immersed jam jars to see what I could come out with, dragged sticks along to bottom to find all sorts of water-dwelling creatures, I even made habitats for the snails I caught using slimy leaves, bark and pebbles so they would have enough good food to eat. :) Cleo was loving playing here in the same way, splashing with a stick and looking for creatures of the deep (and shallow). I would like to give both of my children as many of these experiences as I can, which won't be as easy. I was just thinking today that all of the wonderful watery places I loved to explore as a child have been paved over to make way for housing developments.. Progress, eh?

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