
By CharlotteJ

1st Birtday

From Hampshire to Sheffield today to celebrate our niece Ava's first birthday with a BBQ.  The Birthday Girl slept!!  lovely afternoon.

Three hours later back down the dreaded M1 and we returned home. 

My plants are in desperate need of attention...I hope I can recover them.

We have had such a lovely week.  thank you for all your comments, stars and hearts.  I hope to get back to comments soon.

Time now to prepare for the week ahead.  Chris is off to Wales tomorrow for a day or so.


note for my journal and memories: I am not saying this for any reaction, more for my journal, my Dad is a little poorly, he has a kidney infection, so thinking of him lots x  Mum says he's OK but very unsteady on the old feet.  Looking forward to seeing them both in a few weeks x

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