
By Madchickenwoman

Thundery Showers

A pleasant day spent taking it easy - given that I woke around 4 am as I had gone to bed early! Alas no sunrise, just another day getting slowly lighter. In the morning I was going to go strawberry picking with Camera Man - but the thundery showers put pay to that idea - so instead I went to his with strawberries I had already picked, jam and eggs. We had a leisurely coffee and chat as I sorted through a tub of  ivory inlays he had discovered in his garage - I will take photographs tomorrow and provide a link to see if anyone has any information on them!
In the afternoon I took Friend and Portly for a leisurely stroll at Cotehele - it was very leisurely as it began to rain so we went for scones and tea at the cafe! Portly was very well behaved! She was rewarded with titbits - just a little morsel or two! 
On the way back we passed The Weaver and his wife and stopped for a long chat - we are now going there for lunch friday and then a photo session with his loom! He is planning to have an exhibition in the Arts Chapel of his rugs for Open Studio over the summer and wants some publicity shots! His wife wants him to have a shave for these unlike the previous ones I took! 
The strangest thing these last 3 days is the fact I have been rescuing baby dragonflies from my fish tank! First two, then four, then today two again! No idea how they got in - whether the larvae came in on water plants, or they flew in as youngsters, but each day I check there are no more only to find more in the morning! The tank has a lid and no way could an adult have got in. Most strange but very lovely! You can see them here! Also some wonderful sunset clouds that went on my cameras hard drive and I only found the lead today to take them off! Seems to be the weather for strange cloud formations - no wonder I have been feeling peculiar! ( Don't think the mite spray helped! )
Off now to put chickens to bed - the mite problem has precipitated a member to leave - so I will now have a tues open to add to my duties until / unless we can get a new member. I am working on Commune Man and his Arty Partner who seem interested but are getting to grips with their first season as allotment holders!  Well I seem to be up early nowadays anyway so what the hell! I may even get some sunrise photographs if I'm lucky!

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