
By BrownBuddy1

Exhausting Day

Tomorrow the kitchen installers begin transforming our brown and maroon kitchen into a, hopefully, light and bright kitchen of my dreams.

 Not that I spend much time dreaming about kitchens or anything that goes into a kitchen. It was always a standing joke that for Christmas I was going to be given a "deep fat fryer". A colleague of my husband had given one to his wife one Christmas and she had, apparently been very surprised and pleased with it. I would NOT have been at all pleased. I spend the least amount of time possible in our current kitchen. It is a depressingly dull place in which to be, it's only saving grace is the view from the window across to the mountains.

 In the new kitchen I am going to have a spot, just for me, where I can sit and gaze out of the window towards the mountains. I shall sit and dream, possibly read, listen to music, but unfortunately not cook. Tom seems to think that delicious meals are going to emerge from this new kitchen, I hate to disillusion him, but if fear he will be disappointed.

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