hello : )

By 1DayataTime

murky waters

This pond near where I live is not clean enough for people to swim in, but fish still seem to thrive in these waters. Taking this photo has inspired me to find a cleaner pond to photograph more fish.

I have done a lot of cleaning of my apartment the past few days, but haven't found my passport. It looks like I will go about getting another one tomorrow. The worst part is still the thought that someone may have been in my apartment and stole it.

On a much more positive note, this evening I'm watching the Women's World Cup Soccer Final and so very excited to see the US in the finals!!! I played soccer growing up and absolutely love this sport : )

p.s. I found my passport this evening : ) : ) : ) So very happy!!
p.p.s. So thrilled that the U.S. Women's soccer team won the World Cup!

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