The Ferg

By fergie


Following the sage advice of a colleague of mine who is a serious 'twitcher' I paid a visit to the RSPB reserve at Troup head and hours drive away its a beautiful and spectacular place that smells of fish. It is a gannetry with other species Kittiwakes, Guillemots, Razorbills and some Puffins but its gannets that this site is about and the spectacular cliffs and coastline. My Camera card was full for the first time ever I had no shortage of possible blips. I debated this image on Flickr and am beginning to to regret my choice already Pennan the location for 'Local Hero' is 2 miles down the road and i planned to pay a visit but I lost myself in the life of the gannets, a mega city of birds coming and going , watching the young gannets tentatively head out to sea, Sea thrift and bees , Ravens and crows sailing boats and sunshine. I lost myself totally and did not want to leave. Will catch up on comments tomorrowand thanks to everyone for their best wishes on my health I am getting some test s done tomorrow.

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