I played monopoly all afternoon with beth and pegs...we tried to get daisy to play too, but she was having none of it. beth had loads of property and if she hadn't lost interest and wandered off to text her boyfriend she probably would have won. peggy declared (by accident) that she loved the bank at one point when she passed go and collected her £200.

beefy ripped out most of the ivy at the bottom of the garden - it's completely out of control and our wee shed looks like it has an ivy wig. the garden is getting overhauled this summer... then he went off to stirling again for a couple of nights for training.

it was good to see the people of greece standing up to the elite today and voting no to more austerity. it's fascinating watching what's going on there, with a few similarities to our own referendum where fear-mongering by the establishment and media were rife. they were brave today and I hope they can get what they need from it...eventually.

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