
Unfortunately we woke up to rain this morning so gardening was off. I decided to go back to sleep for a bit and Ben supervised the children. Who had a bit of cabin fever and were very shouty and screamy as they played. So I got up.

After a splendid roast dinner prepared by Ben (except the Yorkshires, that is always my job), we headed off to Carnon Downs garden centre to see Selena The Baking Bird and meet Red's ClareClare and family.

They have started a local produce market type thing there at weekends and Selena is selling her magnificent cakes - it would have been rude not to purchase one or two ;-) I suspect I will be back regularly as there was also a veg stand and a meat counter and a few other bits and bobs.

Then we went for coffee. The middle sized children went off to look at fish so I was able to catch up with Sam and Clare while Ben, MickeyJohn and Red talked rugby. Sam is having a few problems with unkind comments on Facebook so I agreed to log off Facebook for a week with her! It will be interesting to see if I miss it...

Then we wandered down to the small furry beasts section and I Sam managed to convince her parents to get me her this rather gorgeous 'babbitt' to keep poor sad Twiglet the 'peeg' happy. He is very cuddly and I believe his name to be Peppermint Asterix or some such similar...

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