
By SC26


It was a really muggy day and I spent the morning feeling quite irritable and cooped up. I'm not good in hot, muggy conditions! After a morning of wedding bits I went for a walk to try and walk off my irritability, and felt much better when we met Mum for a Deli lunch. It was great to hear all about her holiday and look forward to our own next week. We hung out for a while and got some more wedding stuff done before heading in to town to see Tony Visconti and his assembled band perform loads of David Bowie songs. I bought tickets, as he's such a legendary producer, but it was a bit weird. I'm a huge Bowie fan, so it was great to hear the songs live (with some of his original band), but at the same time it was just wrong as it wasn't him singing. We left before the end in favour of an earlier night!

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