Proud Weegie

By Shiv

Head over Heels

Sunday -  BBQ in Dunblane for Mr S and No 3.  No 2 had a service and a meeting in prep for her trip to Lourdes on Friday.  She also received her uniforms for her work on the wards.  These were very traditional white nurses uniforms, and she looked strangely grown up in them (although I have been given instructions to alter them as they are not SHORT enough!)

I remember my eldest sister starting her nursing career.  There were strict instructions for nursing staff -  no jewellery (except a wedding band)  no makeup, hair tied up.  I bought her first nurse's watch for her.  I ALWAYS wanted an upside down watch to pin to my dressing up nurses uniform when I was a child.

No 3 was then dropped at Mr & Mrs Tickles house (neighbours of my mum and dad) for an overnight stay (and free childcare!).  It's strange driving past my parent's house and we don't own it any more.

Monday - No 3 had a great time.  A bedroom to herself, a walk along the River Clyde, swimming, Library, Ludo and an 'amazing dinner' (she was 'stuffed'...barely managed her apple crumble pudding!).

I'm not sure who was more tired when I picked her up Monday evening.  Mr & Mrs T were heading straight to bed after, and No 3 fell asleep in the car.

Here she is practising her handstands  for Mr Tickle.

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