Professional Picnic-ers

Not a bad view for a Monday night tea is it?! We took hummus, baguette, chorizo & cherries...a privilege of living on this island.

So this morning we had our schools meeting - we've been thrown such a curve ball...we were offered the 2 bottom schools, one of which is in the area a lot of the Romani Gypsies live in (the displaced guys) it has a bad reputation because it has a lot of gypsy kids in it.... It'd take about 40 minutes to walk there... We'd been imagining either waiting for the potential of our 1st choice (which may never come), or homeschooling...but now we've been given this option....and she definitely needs other kids around her.... Anyway, we need to decide by tomorrow - argh!! BUT the meeting itself went well, the 2 people we met with were lovely, and they understood my Spanish!

It's been an odd day, but the picnic (and being outside somewhere beautiful) helped set me straight.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Language not being a problem this morning.
2) An unexpected half hour on my own (was meant to be meeting someone for coffee, but she forgot! Ha!)
3) God being bigger than this school issue!

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