Big Data

A Tussock Tale
Many years ago little Data was born. He was a precocious child interesting enough born only 6 months after the marriage of a Miss Morse and Mr Key. No not “THAT” Mr Key…Right?
At the time there was there was some discussion as to his name but “Data” won out because of Miss Morse’s great Aunt Agatha plus Dita just didn’t seem quite right.
He was a slo starter and in his early days 50 WPM (woofs per minute) was considered fast but fed on a great diet of electric cornflakes with copper supplements he grew and grew and grew and now is faster than a speeding bullet and the funny bloke in the red cape.
Today I decided to start my own “Big Data” project with a Tussocadian Sniffamatic Topical map of the Outlet area. No idea about the “Topical” bit but it  was written on other maps I had seen so I thought it seemed a good idea at the time. The Boss did not seem to be a supporter of this project and seemed to be yelling a lot but when you are really deep in research of this type there seems to be a retarding of auditory function. 
There are some really interesting bits about that seemed a bit fishy and then The Boss dropped the bombshell by declaring that I had been careless in my scanning and corrupted the project with careless “Marking”  No it was not my felt tip.

Maybe I am not cut out for a life of science

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