
By wsjohnson

So who exactly cares anyway

Okay then, so earlier I found myself home alone with my ipad, suddenly "suffering" from a stiffening wrist and no one to complain (I mean talk) to about it, She having taken the ferry to the city for lunch with the daughters - carrying with her the keys to the Volvo - and my car requiring two hands to operate, being a manual shift 'relic' meant "immobility" thy name is mine

"Woe is me"

Unperturbed, I called "Uber" (not an endorsement by the way) and voila, thirty minutes later I'm on the streets  . . . still in pain, but out of the house

Today's blip I guess is a paean to wander lust, perhaps??? Then again it could just be the grumblings of a lonely old fart, somewhat in pain!

The photos were found decorating walls along my walk of "pain"

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