
5years 259days

Today is the end of term joint party for all the Rainbows in the town. Katie and her friends were very excited- they don't go to the same group so it was extra fun to be able to go together. We picked up L from school with Katie then all went to get G from her school.

Katie had a good day, from the sounds of it. She was looking forward to taking her offering to the "100 project"- she did a collage of 100 photographs of 100 different flowers she had taken, and took a bunch of home-grown lavender- her favourite of them all. The teacher on the door loved it when she saw it so Katie went in full of bounce. When she came out, she told me proudly that her teacher had loved her Cats mask and suggested they go to show the head teacher (the show's director). Katie was really thrilled at the idea and proud as punch to go show him. She also had a great time at Christian club- one of the teachers sometimes brings puppets and today was one of those days!

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