Day 899 - Hover Fly

Sitting hanging around for a bee when this little fella popped by.  And I mean little!  Much smaller than the usual hover fly

Well, today was my second visit to the consultant...  And what a surprise to find it wasn't the consultant I was meant to see but the Registrar again!!!  I wasn't very happy!!!  I'm not much further forward with  things...

I decided I would ask my questions anyway and he contradicted some of the things he said last time.  I asked to see the MRI but he said he didn't have all the images...?  He said the main images are held with the hospital I was first seen by and one image plus a report was sent to the Golden Jubilee.  I guess I should call Lambert and ask if I can see the consultant there again...???

I also had an appointment with the physio and he seemed to be a bit confused at the whole MRI thing too.  He has given me a couple of exercises to do to strengthen my glutes!  Apparently a lot of knee pain can come form the hips but he found no problems there - thankfully!!!

So, the way it was left with the hospital was that I would get an appointment with the consultant for 3 months time and I would see how the physio goes.  If there is no improvement or things get worse, I've to call and see what they can do.  

I'm not entirely sure what I should do and I feel a bit in limbo but maybe that is the right decision...?  Who knows!?

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