
I didn't sleep too well last night so excused myself from early morning exercises.

I spent most of the morning sorting out a stack of minor, but complicated, admin jobs. The one that took up most of my time involved planning a journey to Swindon next week. It all got very messy when I found out that the flights that I had identified sold out in the time it took for me to confirm changed meeting time arrangements with the organisers. I'm now going to travel by train instead. It takes longer, but I have to say I prefer this mode of transport to flying. The main advantage for someone like me is that it's much easier to work on the train than it is when hanging around the airport and on the flight itself.

This afternoon I finally reached the draft report that I need to complete this week. Wish me luck!

The furthest I wandered from my desk today was into the garden in search of a blip. The lavender bush obliged.

Exercise today: none.

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