
By Madchickenwoman

Drying off!

Well I'll be a monkeys uncle! I think that about sums up my feelings about yesterday! Thank you!
 ( For those unfamiliar with that idiom it is "used to express complete surprise, amazement or disbelief!" )

Well today was a day of fun and interest! I rescued more of the damselflies from the tank,  put them on the agapanthus to dry out fully, they are about 4cm in length so real small, and did a google search for what the hell they were hatching out from! Found this amazing video - it's not for the squeamish - full on sex between insects plus an orgy plus they mate in the most unfathomable manner! I swear it is going in behind  the females head! It reminds me of aircraft refueling midair! 
Friend and I, and of course Portly, were going into the woods in the morning  to see Barry of the Woods! Serendipitously found out about Forest Bathing from NannaK - apparently  "many trees give off organic compounds that support our “NK” (natural killer) cells that are part of our immune system's way of fighting cancer." Over lunch I told everyone about this and that is when the conversation got interesting and progressively weirder! Homeopath spoke of how  4 Homeopaths had been found dead under suspicious circumstances in the last month in America. Knowledge Boy, who I had met through Pregnant Jo, is a believer in alternative remedies, chemtrail dangers and conspiracy, and he told how a man who discovered a certain frequency of light could kill cancer cells had been killed 4 weeks after announcing his discovery and proof of it. The pharmaceutical companies not wanting their lucrative business to be under threat! Knowledge boy  went on  to mention the existence in our past of aliens, known as Nephilim. It was at this point Barry and Homeopath left the lunch table!! He continued to explain how skeletal remains had been found who had 2 bone plates, not three as humans have. Plus a load of other info I don't have the time to go into! However the older I get, the more things that once were considered unbelievable, myths, poppycock and balderdash - now have a place in common belief and credence. I'm a natural cynic and err on the scientific, but the more deception that is discovered, 25 year old research coming to light re dangers of smoking, immunisations, the more I consider the unbelievable to perhaps be believable. I'm keeping an open mind!
Anyhow, Barrys home was its usual cornucopia of delights and photo opportunities , and I came home with a fine selection of old glass bottles and jars he has discovered in his garden over the last 20 years! They are soaking as I speak and will no doubt feature in a future blip but can be seen here!!
So finally home - where I had a look under the gazebo where I had heard rats scurrying! I discovered a huge mound of earth - they or it had excavated under the half wooden barrel next to the gazebo and the wall and made themselves one fine nest! But I also found one very dead and rotting rat! So at least they were not nesting in the roof space above the bathroom, they are now dead, and maybe my nice mice will return!!

I think that about sums up my day! I have given you the brief version as time is running out to blip!!!! "Ha!" or maybe "Phew?!" 

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