Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Fresh log

I finally got around to getting my hair cut and coloured today.  I was starting to look like a scarecrow so thought I'd better get it sorted.  Am soo pleased with it :)  Just as I was leaving home I saw the guys who cut my hedge doing some work at a neighbour's.  The boss came over and told me he'd ordered me some top soil and was getting it later on today.  I was a bit surprised as I previously told him I would call him if I wanted it.  He must have realised that it takes me ages to get around to doing things, so I didn't mind really.  So I now have an empty flower bed with some good soil, so no excuse not to put the plants in I bought recently.  I also got talked into parting with yet more money and they cut a tree down which was past its sell by date and today's blip is one of the logs.  I quite like all the lines and texture but don't know how I am going to cut them smaller though!

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