Birthday Celebrations

I was woken by the torrential rain which you might have thought would have cleared the air but it didn’t as it was very hot and muggy.   TT and I pottered about the house doing some chores – but it was far too hot for hoovering and ironing.

Late morning I picked BB up from his sleepover.  By the time we got home the sun was coming out and BB wasn’t feeling well.  I think he was just tired (after his (no) sleepover) and hungry, so he went to bed and slept until 3.30 when he asked for his breakfast!  We eventually  headed  off (two hours later than planned) to visit friends for the rest of the weekend.  We were celebrating D’s birthday and had a lovely time.  J cooked a delicious meal, and we drank and chatted into the wee small hours.  It’s so nice to meet up with friends when you don’t see them that often.

Here is D checking out one of his presents.

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