Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Summer concert

Tonight was our choir's summer concert.  Here choir members are beginning to arrive for the pre-match warm up (I can't believe I just said that, is this singing or tennis/Winchester Community Choir or Wimbledon?).  We usually have our concerts in this rather wonderful piece of Victorian architecture, the United Church in Jewry Street.  Tonight we had an enthusiastic audience who gave us a standing ovation (well that wasn't arranged, was it) and a few kind remarks from the Mayor.  The Mayor often comes to our concerts, partly because all proceeds go to local charities.  Our current chair is another blipper, Redflash.  A third choir blipper - in the men's section - is HalfwayUpAHill.

And now, because I'm dead on my feet and have just noticed this is almost a back-blip, I shall sign off and comment in the morning.

PS: the ghost in the foreground, bottom right, appears to be an escaping plastic pocket, minus the words it should hold  :-/

Sleep well  xx

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