
By AlfeeTee

The things I see on my morning ride.

Today as most of you are aware is the tenth anniversary of the '7/7' London bombings.
That morning I was waiting on my bike at the lights just around the corner from Tavistock Square and heard the blast and knew it was a bomb, even though I'd never heard one go off in real life. I can't remember whether I could see the bus when I looked, my memory is of smoke filling the air, quiet, and shocked people covered in dust running past me. I wondered what I should do. I have no first aid training and so felt I would just be getting in the way if I went to the scene. To my eternal... shame I suppose, I continued to work and have regretted it ever since. I feel like I failed in my duty as a citizen and as someone who thinks he is reasonably compassionate and caring. Perhaps I would have been superfluous but maybe I could have helped someone. I'll never know but I'll always curse myself for not trying.

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