Up Close......

This is my entry for the Wide Angle Wednesday challenge  - this week our theme is "Close".  A big thank you too to JDO for hosting.

I suppose close can be interpreted many ways, but I've chosen to take it in the literal sense and claim that because I was "close"  (in fact more or less inside) this tunnel, that my entry fulfils the criteria.  I've tried to use the sides of the tunnel to create depth and foreground interest.

My extra today reveals my mystery macro of yesterday  -   not much of a mystery at all as most of you guessed what it was right away;  for anyone who didn't, it was a whisk.

The rest of my day will be taken up with meeting some friends for lunch, and then a visit to the spa (part of my birthday present from daughter No 2) to which I'm really looking forward.  Hope your day will be good too. :-))

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