
how two such different flowers can be growing on the same plant! These unlikely siblings are the same colour but otherwise not remotely alike! I checked  that it was the same plant, and it definitely was!

I have to work tonight. The boss is apparently having the kidney biopsy today that he should have had a couple of weeks ago. He's told me only to work until 8pm, so I will be! The lads may not like it, but I am only being paid til then, and I don't fancy working for free so I can do everything while they play with their phones! Anyway, I've stuff of my own to do!

Anyone else find the comments file on Blip annoying? If you don't get chance to go through all the new ones after you open it, it files them all as read even when you haven't. I've missed a few before because of that. 

Been at my folks' today and had loads to do. I helped my Dad in the garden, went to the chippy for them and did a few house jobs. I need a rest now, not to go to work!

The weather seems to have forgotten again that it is meant to be summer. Once again it feels like October out there!

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